
Friendly Fraud & Charge Disputes

We take fraud seriously. With the rise of chargeback fraud , also known as Friendly Fraud, Geologie has contracted Legal counsel and Fraud Agents to investigate, pursue and respond to these types of…

Rick Brackett
Updated by Rick Brackett

I already have a skincare regimen. Is Geologie for me?

Our product mission is to make the very best skincare products on the market – at any price and for anyone. Give us a try and compare it to what you’re currently using. Then let us know what you thin…


I'm really not too familiar with skincare. Is Geologie for me?

100%. We’ve all had a different discovery moment in skincare and we want Geologie to be that for you. We’ve built the Geologie experience to be simple, easy, satisfying and, above all else, effective…


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