How do I update my shipping and/or billing information before my next order?

Andy Updated by Andy

Prepping a move or getting a new card and want to make sure there aren't any issues processing your next subscription order with us? We've got you. Follow the steps below to ensure all your account info stays up to date.

  1. First, log into your Geologie account. If you haven't done this before, check out our walkthrough here.
  2. Click the Manage your membership header to access your active subscriptions.

  1. Select Shipping Addresses from the top account menu.

  1. On the next screen, click on the View Details dropdown before selecting EDIT SHIPPING ADDRESS. Once you've made any address updates you might need, be sure to click SAVE.

  1. To update billing information, select Payment Methods at the top of the account menu. You can then either add a new payment method or update an existing one. When adding a new payment method, you will be asked if you would like to update all of your existing subscriptions with the new card information.

That's it! If you need any additional support, don't hesitate to reach out to us via live chat or email at

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